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Blood Bone Oil Water, by Christie Green. Featured in Dark Mountain, Volume 20 – Abyss.


CONFLUENCE: Life and Death at Water’s Edge. Story and photographs by Christie Green. Illustration by Tracy Seidman. Featured in edible New Mexico, early summer 2021.

Western SkiesRadicle DesertIMG_3233 

Christie Green and radicle featured in Jennifer Jewell’s Under Western Skies, with photographs by Caitlin Atkinson.

Jennifer Jewell’s Cultivating Place podcast features Christie Green, May 13, 2021.

$1.67 Greenhorns

$1.67 by Christie Green, featured in the Greenhorns New Farmer’s Almanac, February 2021.

Edibles and Identity: One Landscape Designer’s radicle ActScreen Shot 2022-01-26 at 8.56.44 PM. by  Susanna Space. Featured in edible New Mexico, late winter 2015.

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A Tree, A Wall, A Chair: Landscape Architecture Returns to its Unruly Roots, featuring radicle, by Susanna Space. TREND Magazine, fall 2015.

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Beyond Good Lookin’: Native Plants, Sliding Screen Challenge Idea that Front Yard is Only For Show. Featured in Palo Alto Weekly, November 2015.


Treasure Christie Green - Radicle Christie Green - Radicle

Gardens - Christie Green HandBW

Photos of Christie Green in her garden by Gabriella Marks.

Gardening Outside the Box - Summer 2008-1 Gardening Outside the Box - Summer 2008 (2)-2

Tooley's Trees - Summer 2009_Page_1Tooley's Trees - Summer 2009_Page_2

Alternative Growing Techniques - Fall 2009 (2)_Page_1Alternative Growing Techniques - Fall 2009 (2)_Page_2Alternative Growing Techniques - Fall 2009 (2)_Page_3

Spring Green - Cultivating Good Garden Sense - Spring 2008_Page_1Spring Green - Cultivating Good Garden Sense - Spring 2008_Page_2Spring Green - Cultivating Good Garden Sense - Spring 2008_Page_3

Sowing Seeds - Winter 2008_Page_1Sowing Seeds - Winter 2008_Page_2Sowing Seeds - Winter 2008_Page_3

Cultivating Companions - Spring 2009 (2)_Page_1Cultivating Companions - Spring 2009 (2)_Page_2